Thursday, March 1, 2018

March: In like a Lion, Out like a Lamb

March was supposed to come in like a lion today, with rain, thunder, and even a little snow. I sent Peanut into school with rain boots and found her rain jacket, and as she got off the bus, the sun was shining, even though it was cloudy and a little chilly on our way to school only a few hours earlier.

My enthusiasm at new beginnings is always at a peak, and steadily declines until a new epiphany, burst of renewed perseverance, or someone noticing that something’s changed spikes it up again, often for the duration of the experiment. For example, I was very enthusiastic of my Whole30 from January 1st-8th this year. I was going to get off all medication, have 60-some pounds melt off with practically no effort, and cure my diabetes. By the 15th, I was about done, I’d been having food nightmares for a week, and by the 20th, I had a cold, was tired all the time and sick of having a lot on my plate. I think the only thing that actually kept me going during January was my aunt’s encouragement and check-ins on my progress (not just asking how Hubby was healing, but wanting to actually hear about me), and I did my 2nd real Reintroduction (having bypassed it the 2nd-5th times I did a Whole30), only because I wanted to know exactly what I could have without spiking my blood sugars and slowing my progress. After that, I was about done, gave in to eating the sweets, carbs, and easy processed foods up until Ash Wednesday (so for about 5 days). My enthusiasm spiked back up after a mid-month check-in by that same aunt, who told me that I, someone who barely exercises and who ate her way into diabetes, gave her the motivation to eat better. Words I never thought I would see or hear. 

I can say all I want that this month’s resolutions began strong, that they are fitting right into my daily life seamlessly, that I’m strong, but as the above example shows, beginnings are easy for me. Since I have made changes to the way my day is run, I can imagine that saying the Rosary during the week will be rather easy, because it just means that I say it during a pre-established quiet time where I was reading, writing my blog, and doing other quiet activities while Peanut reads, plays in her room right next door, or hangs out with Hubby. Electronic curfew will be the hardest to enforce, because I enjoy vegging out on the couch, watching Forensic Files or Monk (on Sundays). However, I know that in the long run I won’t be lying awake, taking sometimes hours to fall asleep, or getting so tired that I can’t fall asleep, or being restless because of all the ideas going through my mind that were sparked by whatever I watched on TV, read online, or comparing myself to others on social media. I will be getting at least 8 hours of good sleep a night, waking up feeling refreshed because of my healthy diet, and feeling happy climbing into a well-made bed.

I’m working on a Habit Boot Camp workbook for anyone who is inspired by what they read here or elsewhere. Be sure to keep looking out for that by the end of the month (if everything goes right, by March 25, in time to start something on April 1st!).

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